Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety

Many people are extremely uncomfortable in social situations. Individuals respond differently to different types social situations. If you can relate to the below statements, you may be experiencing some level of social anxiety. To connect with others in a social situation is literally terrifying. This may be

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Parenting Difficulties

Parenting Difficulties

Parenting   There is so much information available now on how to be a great parent. There is so much pressure on parents to do things perfectly in order to do the least possible damage to our children. Parenting comes rife with the judgement of others, comparisons

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Breaking Your Shackles From Childhood

Breaking Your Shackles From Childhood

From birth our parents have written upon the “slate of who we are”. Unfortunately, many parents did not treat this with the degree of care and consideration we may have wanted. The primary relationship in your life with your parent was important during your childhood. However, it

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Barriers To Lasting Change

Barriers To Lasting Change

Change is difficult, really difficult. It is even more challenging to have any change last into the future. Be it healthy eating, going to the gym, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake and so on, habits are hard to break and it is likely to take time. Why

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